Description: Inspired by the feature film, "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant", a mix of Platformer, Action and Adventure mobile game. Players assume the role of Darren Shan, a common teenager turned into half-vampire by a freak accident. Now this unusual hero will decide the fate of Vampires, as he battles the evil faction of Mr. Tiny and his Minions to spoil their plan.The game reproduces the thrilling look and feel of the movie by capturing the cinematic darkness and mysterious atmosphere with 4 inspired locations. Interact with all major characters from the movie helping you through the journey. But beware you will challenged at every step by tiny people, shrivelled creatures that have become Mr. Tiny's evil minions along with Vampaneze, an evil faction of vampires hoping to come into power after winning a great war. So are you ready for the journey of your life time?
The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.