Mile High Pinball
[second screenshot]
. Added: 19.10.2005
. Downloads: 8280
. Vendor: Nokia
. Description: Blast your ball to the top of the world’s highest pinball tower! Mile High Pinball for the N-Gage delivers some classic arcade entertainment in a fresh way, guaranteed to please even the most demanding pinball enthusiasts. Bounce through more than 80 different playfields of challenging obstacles, loops, kickers, and spinners. Speed up your journey by collecting power-ups that give you amazing abilities. You’ll need them to destroy all the devious alien enemies, not to mention the humongous bosses! Make progress by solving intense action puzzles to open the gates to each new level, and hunt for medallions to attain the Ultimate Ranking. You can also earn money, and spend it at the Mile High Store. Discovering secret hidden rooms can make you filthy rich! The two-player boards allow you to go head to head with a friend over the wireless Bluetooth connection. The N-Gage Arena provides cool features, such as the selling and tradeing of power-ups, and the uploading of your own boards.

- More than 80 playfields
- Over 35 power-ups: multi-balls, multipliers, super slo-mos and more
- 25 alien enemies and 5 humongous bosses

Note: BONUS file I don't know what mean a "BONUS". I never tested.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Nokia N-Gage (176x208)
. download 13.3MB
. Nokia N-Gage [BONUS] (176x208)
. download 13.6MB
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