The Mummy
[second screenshot]
. Added: 15.07.2005
. Downloads: 1480
. Vendor: Indiagames Ltd.
. Description: The year is 1932, Egyptologist Evelyn 'Evy' Carnahan discovers a map to the lost city of Hamunaptra, she hires rogue Rick O'Connell to search for the mythical Book of the Dead. Once there, Evelyn accidentally unlocks the tomb of Imhotep, a high priest who was buried alive over 3000 years ago. Once revived, the ancient mummy is determined on regaining his former strength, which of course means human sacrifice and much mayhem! Guide Evelyn and Rick through the ancient crypts and tombs of Hamunaptra to prevent this disaster.

supplied by terjef

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Nokia 7650 (176x208)
. JAD | JAR 85.7kB
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