Galaxy Demon
[second screenshot]
. Added: 28.02.2019
. Downloads: 30150
. Vendor: Microforum
. Description: For year now, alien predators lay siege to the tactical base of the stellar Senate. But humans are no longer able to resist: water, food and prime materials reserves are about to finish. For this reason the Senate has deliberated running away and at this very instant, the first caravans of space ferries are making way towards the Omega System. But the rebel minority at your command is not resigned to abandon its world: each of your men would rather die than sacrifice everything to the aliens' greed. The task is a desperate one, for sure. But from now on, rage and honour will be stronger than any desperation. The possibility to establish route and speed for your shuttle in a virtually infinite space represents one of the principal characteristics of this most amusing shoot'em all: you cannot fail to be surprised by the extraordinary dynamic potentiality of your vehicle. Look around you, now: the enemy's ships surround the base. Peace time is really over now!

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Motorola T720 (120x160)
. JAD | JAR 44.1kB
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