Penguin Tribe
[second screenshot]
. Added: 10.10.2018
. Downloads: 273
. Vendor: Wizard Games Global Limited
. Description: On an unknown island that no one has ever set foot on inhabited a waddle of penguins. They had a stable social structure with a clear division of work. Based on their races and abilities, all penguins were divided into 5 tribes and live together in harmony. Until one day, under the impact of global warming, the penguins' homeland was fragmented by the plague of warm winds and tidal waves. The competition over the scarce resources took its toll on the once-solid tribal relationships. Thanks to their peace-loving nature, the penguins have thought of a smart way to settle territory disputes other than warfare: Sports! In a contest, two teams bring out their most gluttonous penguins as the Kings and sit on either end of the field. Three penguins from each team then compete for salmons in the field and feed them to the opposing King.

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 8.0 (Oreo) / v1.0 (1920x1080)
. download 54.0MB
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