Vampireville: Castle Adventures
[second screenshot]
. Added: 11.08.2018
. Downloads: 701
. Vendor: Nevosoft Inc
. Description: Be ready for a blood - curdling adventure in an ancient dracula style vampire castle full of hidden legends, mystery items and dark inhabitants! After the previous house appraisers went insane while evaluating the creepy and twilight object - Malgrey Castle estate, Rockwell and Rockwell decided to send a young and ambitious real estate agent Michael to appraise the cursed property and put it up for sale. Hopefully Michael will have stronger nerves and better luck than his predecessors had while they navigated their way around the twilight eerie castle’s weird and sinister secrets. If he doesn’t go mad hopefully his boss, Mr. Rockwell, won’t drive him crazy. Mr. Rockwell may be frail, but the perpetually discontent old man is planning to visit the premises personally because he believes the estate may help him to find a secret cure for his rare disease. Vampireville is a hidden object, puzzle adventure with three-dimensional characters and dynamic, addictive gameplay. You have to open secret doors and search around twilight rooms, dig through the archives and vampire diaries, catch bats, analyze blood samples, and play golf. You’ll also learn about vampires and ghosts, search the castle's legends and meet a young witch, who will find out your hidden future!

supplied by Harsha

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. Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) / v1.0 (1920x1080)
. download 172.0MB
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