Snake Xenzia 1997 Rewind
[second screenshot]
. Added: 25.05.2018
. Downloads: 3403
. Vendor: HALA Games
. Description: Nokia 1110i is my very 1st mobile phone and in my mind, it is the most successful feature phone of Nokia. From 1997 to 2006 and many years later, I and my generation were crazy by playing Snake Xenzia on dumb phone Nokia 1110i. That time, Snake Xenzia Classic was like a storm that infuse a new wave in our high school. Everyone who have a Nokia 1110i played Snake Xenzia, they compared score, they try to break the record, and they have fun. Snake Xenzia is a great memory of our life, for rewind purpose. One day, I and my friends gathered, talked about mobile game and of course, Snake Xenzia on Nokia 1110i is top of mind. So, I decided to remake Snake Classic Retro to celebrate our rewind youth with the very 1st mobile game experience.

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 2.3 / v1.0 [PRO VERSION] (1920x1080)
. download 11.2MB
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