Age of Heroes VIII: The Heretic
[second screenshot]
. Added: 04.05.2012
. Downloads: 37142
. Vendor: Qplaze
. Description: Till this moment the magic completely left them and the power of the Great Tree flew out of their bodies along with life, as from cracked pitcher. Deep, under masses of rocks and tombs of their kings, six elves held their final council of war. They spoke for a long time, but then they were silent much longer - because the decision was made and only the one step left. The first was Thialin - and the arches of the temple shook with the sound of ancient prayer,and the dust rose above altars. One after another they repeated words letting death enter the living soul - and killed themselves in the hall with columns, keeping the secret. With the last of them, all sounds left from crypts, and above, in the forests the frame of the GreatTree shook - because there wereno Children of the Tree in the world anymore, and spirits of the last ones were walking now through bloody emptiness of Ritual.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Age of Heroes VIII: The Heretic (s40v2a/N6101) (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 121.2kB
. Age of Heroes VIII: The Heretic (s40v2a/N5200) (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 238.5kB
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