Elf Pets Virtual Reindeer: The Elf on the Shelf
[second screenshot]
. Added: 21.01.2018
. Downloads: 329
. Vendor: The Elf on the Shelf
. Description: Oh no! Santa's sleigh will not fly, but by adopting and loving this virtual reindeer pet, you can help create the Christmas magic that will help Santa’s sleigh lift off the ground on Christmas Eve! Once you adopt a virtual reindeer, you can interact with it to fill the Christmas Magic Meter. You can also earn Elf Pets Care Badges in two ways: 1. By loving and nurturing this app's virtual reindeer, and 2. By caring for the real reindeer pet included in the Elf Pets: A Reindeer Tradition box set. Use this app to do your part to help Santa’s sleigh fly!

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 4.1 / v2.1.9 (1920x1080)
. download 38.6MB
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