Solitaire Mystery: Stolen Power
[second screenshot]
. Added: 17.10.2017
. Downloads: 551
. Vendor: DikobrazGames
. Description: The oldest and most powerful deck of cards in the world has been stolen from the Museum of Ancient History. These mysterious cards are so powerful that they can withstand the world’s most evil forces. But only on one condition: not a single card can be missing from the deck. Now the cards that contain the unfathomable wisdom of the past and omnipotent knowledge of the future are scattered all around the city and it is up to you to find each card to create a new deck. But beware; you are not the only person looking for this deck.

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 2.2.3-4.x / v1.8 (1920x1080)
. download 68.6MB
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