Soccer Revolution 2018
[second screenshot]
. Added: 12.10.2017
. Downloads: 7168
. Vendor: iDreamSky
. Description: Soccer Revolution 2018 is a new generation of soccer game. Soccer Revolution 2018 is an exciting 3D mobile soccer game in partnership with FIFPro, created for soccer fans across the world. With realistic gameplay and action recorded by real players, you will be front and center of each exhilarating match. Hero Time - feel the thrill as you control the unfolding of critical moments, where the outcome of the game will be decided. Officially authorized by Real Madrid, dubbed by Jon Champion of ESPN, with over 2000 real soccer players, state-of-the-art action capture technology, real action and hero times, Soccer Revolution 2018 is revolutionizing the game.

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 4.1 / v0.2 (1920x1080)
. download 75.3MB
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