Bay of Pigs Invasion
[second screenshot]
. Added: 03.07.2007
. Downloads: 6732
. Vendor: FuguMobile
. Description: The world has come a long way since the times when a wolf could huff and puff and blow a piggys house down. Todays porcine warriors are armed to the teeth and can take the battle to any pack of wolves that their invade territory.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. SonyEricsson K750i (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 143.5kB
. SonyEricsson K800i (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 171.1kB
. SonyEricsson K300i (128x128)
. JAD | JAR 88.4kB
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