Medal of Honor Airborne Elite
[second screenshot]
. Added: 13.02.2011
. Downloads: 44771
. Vendor: EA Mobile
. Description: During the Second World fascist invaders were very afraid of domestic fire rockets named "Katyusha" and American paratroopers. Brave guys jumped right on the heads of the unsuspecting enemies. Under a hail of bullets and artillery shells they landed on the most dangerous sections of the front and always performed the task. In a new episode of the legendary series named Medal of Honor Airborne - you have to get used to the image of Boyd Travers, a soldier of the eighty-second Airborne Division, and look at the war from the hight of the bird's flight. New battles are raging in occupied Europe. You will pass from Sicily to Germany, starting each contest with an exciting leap out of the clouds. You can choose the place, where the hero lands, thereby determining the course of the battle. New graphics, tactics, and a huge number of exciting transactions - all these things wait you in Medal of Honor Airborne, a game of heroes!

supplied by HarpreeT

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Samsung GT-B3210 CorbyTXT (220x176)
. JAD | JAR 320.6kB
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