5 Star Games
[second screenshot]
. Added: 11.12.2009
. Downloads: 30542
. Vendor: Player X
. Description: Travel the world, through fourteen countries, with great explorer The Puzzle Professor, looking for the greatest puzzle treasures the earth has to offer. Play five classic games including Checkers, Sudoku, 5 in a Row and Solitaire. Also includes fiendish bonus game Slitherlink. Meet adventurers from across the globe, travelling from the beaches of Indonesia to the swamps of the Amazon as you take on over 150 puzzle challenges, unlocking all-new ones at each step of your voyage. 5 Star Games also includes a quick play mode for real on-the-go gamers and multiplayer modes, so you can go head-to-head against real life puzzle adventurers. With challenges for everyone, from the newcomer to the seasoned traveller, 5 Star Games is the ultimate in value-packed gaming fun.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Nokia E61 / E71 (320x240)
. download 580.8kB
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