Love Match
[second screenshot]
. Added: 28.10.2007
. Downloads: 2798
. Vendor: Inlogic Software
. Description: With the help of sophisticated mathematical algorithms Love Match calculates how well you and your partner really fit together. After precise evaluation of both of your names Love Match tells you how well you blend in different areas of life. Love Match is an effective way to evaluate whether your relationship has a chance to last or simply whether the guy next door might be your prince charming.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Love Match (SK) (128x128)
. JAR 52.8kB
. Love Match (SK/s40v2) (128x128)
. JAR 54.6kB
. Love Match (SK/s40v2a) (128x160)
. JAR 59.2kB
. Love Match (SK/s40v3) (208x208)
. JAR 75.9kB
. Love Match (SK/s40v3a) (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 234.1kB
. Love Match (SK/N7650) (176x208)
. JAR 70.9kB
. Love Match (SK/s60v1) (176x208)
. JAR 72.6kB
. Love Match (SK/s60v2) (176x208)
. JAR 72.6kB
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