Street Cricket Pro
[second screenshot]
. Added: 20.07.2016
. Downloads: 2289
. Vendor: Nextwave Multimedia
. Description: The rough play, the dust, the nostalgia of cricket in your own gully; that is what Street Cricket is all about! The game convincingly depicts the ordinary street cricket scenario in every city of India.The game has the ability to transport one to the scene of action immediately and is extremely entertaining. The gamer is allowed limited over on the field and can choose ones' own side and opponent. As in real cricket, gamers have the option to bat or to field. In this version the rules are modified to suit the ground situation while the usual excitement of the game remains intact. There are five players to a team. Batsmen are predefined but you can select your bowlers from the players available. The game is made using a combination of Blender an open source, free software and Unity 3D game engine!

supplied by Harsha

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 2.0.1 / v4.2 (1920x1080)
. download 23.0MB
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