Bheem World
[second screenshot]
. Added: 09.07.2016
. Downloads: 11637
. Vendor: Digeebird Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
. Description: Bheem World is an adventurous game with many exciting and challenging levels. There are many hidden powers in the bricks. Break the bricks with the head of Bheem. Collect as many Coins as you can, on Collection of 100 coins Life is increased by One.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Nokia 6280 / 6300 (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 292.6kB
. SonyEricsson K800i (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 292.6kB
. Samsung SGH-E900 / F480 (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 292.6kB
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