Mani AA
[second screenshot]
. Added: 09.02.2016
. Downloads: 12274
. Vendor: Inlogic Software
. Description: You need a moment of break time? Forget the daily stress? ManiAA makes it possible. Simple gameplay is associated with strategic thinking. Attention with accuracy and correct timing. It is exciting to enrich your skills as you try to complete each level. The perfect combination of frustration and fun. ManiAA is ready for the challenge. Are you?

supplied by Harsha (Android version)

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. ZTE F850 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 78.8kB
. Motorola i605 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 75.4kB
. Motorola ZN200 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 77.2kB
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