Zombie Crusher
[second screenshot]
. Added: 09.06.2015
. Downloads: 1610
. Vendor: GP Imports
. Description: Crush them before they get us! Apocalypse is near...the earth is completely invaded by zombies...and we can only count on you! In this fun and highly addictive game the goal is simple; get as far from the zombies while killing them from your jeep, but the game is not! With amazing graphics and effects you will want to keep killing them until the end! As you drive along the street horrible zombies will start appearing and chasing you. Don't let them catch you! If the zombies start climbing on top of your jeep they will make it harder to move and eventually so slow that they will consume you! If you feel you are loosing to much power, you have the choice to buy a boost! In order to defend yourself from these horrible creatures you will need ammunition. You start of the game loaded with basic bullets. As you advance you will have the choice to purchase more and better ammunition. As you drive further the challenge increases... Try to drive away and avoid as many zombies as possible! For this challenging game you will need your best driving, logistics and military skills... Are you up for the challenge?... Hurry before its too late!

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 2.0.1+ / v1.0 (1920x1080)
. download 43.3MB
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