Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
[second screenshot]
. Added: 03.08.2012
. Downloads: 33161
. Vendor: HeroCraft
. Description: “Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim” is a vast magical world where you are honoured with the crown of a tiny fairytale kingdom. When you become the head of the country all the responsibility for the land's prosperity rests on your royal shoulders. You will have to fight various enemies and monsters, explore new territories, manage economic and scientific developments and solve a heap of unusual and unexpected tasks. For example, what will you do when all the gold in the kingdom transforms into cookies? Or how will you bring back the trolls who robbed caravans and whose disappearance ruins the economy of the country?

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Android 1.6 / v1.13.37 (480x800)
. download 17.6MB
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