LEGO Batman: The Mobile Game
[second screenshot]
. Added: 23.05.2013
. Downloads: 97997
. Vendor: Player X
. Description: He is back. He came back to win. You have not seen him being like this. The Batman is in a LEGO-world. In this game you will have to destroy three gangs that escaped from prison and are trying to capture the world. Each gang has lots of enemies that will try to destroy Batman. Your task is to destroy them all.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Lego Batman 128x160 L6 (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 116.4kB
. Lego Batman 128x160 SGH-E250i (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 115.1kB
. Lego Batman 128x160 W200i (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 116.2kB
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