Rayman 3
[second screenshot]
. Added: 03.02.2006
. Downloads: 50484
. Vendor: Gameloft
. Description: Rayman 3 is a platform-type action game, starring the famous Rayman in his latest adventure. Use all Rayman's skills through 2 rich graphic universes, offering 9 levels strewn with obstacles, and bringing together a great variety of enemies, including the legendary pirates!

Cheats: Skip Level - Press 9876

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Rayman 3 176x220 SGH-ZV10 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 135.9kB
. Rayman 3 176x220 SGH-ZV60 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 172.0kB
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