AMA IQ Booster
[second screenshot]
. Added: 14.07.2008
. Downloads: 3678
. Vendor: AMA
. Description: AMA IQ Booster allows you to find out how good you are when it comes to mathematics, logic or plain general knowledge in one big intelligence test. A great feature is the possibility to compete against your friends or even your boss in the 'Challenge' section of the application. You can also try your hand at solving quick quizzes that don't take more than a few minutes, in the 'Flash' section. The hosts of all the quizzes and tests are two robots and they will accompany you throughout the application, sharing little secrets. You can use 'AMA IQ Booster' any time of the day or night. It's a fun combination of knowledge and interesting facts, whether solving the 'Master' problems or taking the 'Training' section. Go ahead and give it a try right now.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. AMA IQ Booster 240x320 (240x320)
. download 222.5kB
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