Tangram Super Shapes
[second screenshot]
. Added: 15.04.2009
. Downloads: 2219
. Vendor: THQ Wireless
. Description: Tangram - literally translated "Seven boards of cunning" is an ancient Chinese Puzzle. A Tangram consists of 7 pieces, called Tans, which fit together to form a square. The objective is to form a specific shape with seven pieces. The shape has to contain all the pieces, which may not overlap.Tangram has been challenging millions of people for thousands of years, and continues to entertain and frustrate to this very day. Its simplicity appeals to a broad spectrum of people and makes it ideal for the mobile platform.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Samsung SGH-E250i / X660 / X810 / D357 / X670 / X500 / X630 / X680 / X540 / X650 / E217 (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 93.4kB
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