Ape Escape M
[second screenshot]
. Added: 24.10.2009
. Downloads: 12699
. Vendor: Living Mobile
. Description: Previously on Ape Escape: Specter, a once cute monkey from the monkey park, found the Professors invention, the Peak Point helmet that makes its carrier intelligent. After he released his monkey friends from the park they used the Professors time machine to take over the world. Spike, the Professors brave assistant and friend, came to the rescue, travelled through time and brought the monkeys back home. The World was save again... but not for long! Specter is back and Spike will have to rescue the World one more time!

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. LG KE970 [CZECH] (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 413.1kB
. LG KU800 [CZECH] (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 658.8kB
. LG KU990 [CZECH] (240x400)
. JAD | JAR 658.8kB
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