AMA: Astro Love
[second screenshot]
. Added: 28.03.2009
. Downloads: 20446
. Vendor: AMA
. Description: Are you meant to be together? The stars will answer this and many other questions about your relationship and beloved as each sign gets its bright and dark sides revealed.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. AMA: Astro Love (s40v2a/N6101) (128x160)
. JAR 67.8kB
. AMA: Astro Love (s40v2a/N6151) (128x160)
. JAR 74.8kB
. Astro Love 128x160 W200i (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 70.1kB
. Astro Love 128x160 SGH-E350/E370 (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 75.0kB
. Astro Love 128x160 L6 (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 71.7kB
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