Acorn Hunt
[second screenshot]
. Added: 19.02.2009
. Downloads: 630
. Description: Acorns are A-one this year, they are large and numerous. Only for squirrels it is a big problem to get them as they grow too high. But the small squirrels have figured out one trick! Sam and Jack toss up their small brother named Rocky with the sheets and he picks up the acorns. Of course, such an unusual method of harvesting requires skills. Help funny squirrels to collect delicious acorns, and they will boost your spirits!

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Acorn Hunt (s40v2) (128x128)
. JAR 30.1kB
. Acorn Hunt (128x128)
. JAR 31.7kB
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