Love & Hate
[second screenshot]
. Added: 02.09.2010
. Downloads: 5015
. Vendor: Kitmaker Entertainment
. Description: LOVE & HATE comes to your mobile phone, the only application that will allow you to know who do you get on with perfectly and who could you come to hate. In this KITMAKER application you will find a series of questions in a questionnaire that will allow you to know to what extent you and your friends are on the same wavelength. Run the application and answer the questions of the questionnaire. Afterwards, let another person to do it and wait for the final verdict. Are you true friends or do you hate each other as much as you can? Discover it with LOVE & HATE. LOVE & HATE, friends forever?

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Love & Hate 360x640 N5800 (360x640)
. download 240.4kB
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