Power Rangers: Mystic Force
[second screenshot]
. Added: 05.05.2007
. Downloads: 99942
. Vendor: Living Mobile
. Description: The old legends say, that ones upon a time there lived people on Earth, that possessed powers of magic, with the help of which they could change and decorate the world. But one day these people had to fight with mighty powers of evil, called the Underworld. Five courageous people-soldiers, possessing that mighty magic power imprisoned the whole army of evil in the underworld, putting magic seals-spells on the entrance to this world. But the victory was paid dear for - these very warriors were killed or disappeared in this battle.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Power Rangers: Mystic Force (s40v2) (128x128)
. JAD | JAR 115.3kB
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