Might and Magic
[second screenshot]
. Added: 03.04.2005
. Downloads: 77518
. Vendor: Gameloft
. Description: Might and Magic: the most magical adventure on your mobile! Cast spells, Fight monsters, Solve riddles in this epic journey to save the world of Erathia.

The game's characteristics and screenshots may vary according to the model of your phone.
. Might and Magic 240x320 SGH-E900/D600 (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 187.4kB
. Might and Magic 176x220 SGH-ZV10 (176x220)
. JAD | JAR 182.0kB
. Might and Magic 240x320 SGH-F400/Z540v (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 224.4kB
. Might and Magic 240x320 SGH-D900/D600/D800 (240x320)
. JAD | JAR 223.5kB
. Might and Magic 128x160 SGH-E350/E370 (128x160)
. JAD | JAR 97.4kB
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