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Need help for Instagram vids!!! - - 01-21-2019 10:48 PM

Everytime I upload a full video, Instagram automatically trimmed it to 60sec. very bad!!!!

Why did it trim the full vids? How to upload vids more than 60sec? Is there any vids timer app for Instagram which can trim a full vid and upload it one by one properly with in the same post?

Plz help to solve those issues.

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - Ayush Strange - 01-22-2019 12:28 AM

increase followers

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - - 03-08-2019 06:07 PM

(01-22-2019 12:28 AM)Ayush Strange Wrote:  increase followers

Don't kidding.... That 60 sec time lim is the default insta vid lim.
There's nothing u/I can do.... Damn those devs...

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - lenorecutter - 09-10-2022 03:02 AM

Instagram increased the available length of videos recently, and you can post videos up to 10 mins long now. Some accounts can even post videos for up to 60 mins, but it depends on the number of followers.
If you want to have more opportunities on social media, then you need to get more followers. Most platforms offer more tools and opportunities for more developed accounts. It’s not hard to get famoid likes or followers naturally. They get you real followers, overnight and will refill the amount if some of them get banned. It’s an easy way to make your account more relevant to the algorithm.

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - KrejvenRoud7 - 09-10-2022 04:57 PM

YouCut video editor is app which i use for similar purpose. App is available on google play for free but if you want to use full feature like some premium effects you need to buy full one or find app mod (its available for sure bcs i have it). You can edit videos, resize and cut on any time period you want. I used that app for Instagram to make full video in parts for story. Remember that you need to cut videos little less then 1min bcs Instagram actually max upload is 59,5 sec. So if your video is 4 min you need to cut video on 5 parts (not 4) or you can cut it in 4 parts but you will see that video isnt full 1min when you upload it. So every part should be around 58-59sec and when you upload it on instagram, each part of 59-60sec will be automatically cutted by instagram on 4 parts. So video which last 4 min, you cut on 4 parts in max 1min, then upload to Instagram, and instagram will cut each part for 4 more times

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - God'spen - 09-11-2022 12:26 AM

To upload full video on facebook or instagram here is some lil tips for yo.....

1, go to your device (phone, e.t.c) tap file manager
2, find the video you want to upload
3, tap option, if you're using android i required you to tap the three dot
4, then click share option
5, select the app you wanted to share e.g hangout, facebook, e.t.c

Notice this can be easy option to upload on your profile and
video will took more time to upload based on size

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - frankienumbers4 - 03-24-2023 01:04 PM

I'm new to this forum, but one thing to keep in mind is that Instagram has a maximum video length of 60 seconds for regular posts. However, you can upload longer videos to your Instagram story or IGTV. So if you have a longer video that you want to share, you could consider uploading it as a story or IGTV instead. Finally, I'd like to suggest that instead of looking for ways to artificially boost your Instagram following by buying followers, you focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. A way to do that is by using Tipsogram, a platform that offers tips and advice on how to grow your Instagram following organically.

RE: Need help for Instagram vids!!! - duneexplorer - 07-12-2024 12:33 PM

To post longer vids, try this: use an app like CutStory to break the video into 60sec clips. Then upload them sequentially in one post.

I once had this amazing road trip video that I wanted to share, but it was too long for a regular post. Instead of giving up, I used an app to split it into shorter parts and posted them as a carousel. It worked like a charm—I even got lots of likes from friends and followers!

By the way, if you're looking to boost your engagement further, there's this cool service that helps you get lots of likes organically. It's been handy for me when I wanted to reach more people with my posts.