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[J2ME/APK] Timber Heroes by Unknow - Printable Version

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Timber Heroes by Unknow - Dedomil - 02-17-2015 05:38 PM

Timber Heroes by Unknow

[Image: IfznHeG.gif][Image: 9VMfeJc.gif]
[Image: U0ZZmcx.gif][Image: 5JLqLgY.gif]

French desc.: Qui est le meilleur coupeur d'arbres de tous les temps? Choisissez votre héros et lancez-vous dans la compétition! Coupez les troncs le plus rapidement possible tout en vous déplaçant latéralement pour éviter les branches. Serez-vous suffisamment doué pour décrocher la médaille d'or des bûcherons? Attention, force colossale et réflexes d'acier exigés!

PS: Similiar like Timber Guy from Inlogic.

Type: J2ME, Android

RE: Timber Heroes by Unknow - Aipico Armand - 02-17-2015 05:45 PM

Thanking you for info Dedomil :-) , this tipe game popular like Flappy/tappy game

RE: Timber Heroes by Unknow - Harsha - 02-17-2015 05:52 PM

Screens same inlogic! :-D

RE: Timber Heroes by Unknow - AK10 - 02-17-2015 06:02 PM

Lookin' awesome..

Who is best cutter tree of all time? Choose heroes and get started in the competition! Cut them as trunks quickly as possible while on the go laterally to avoid the branches. Will you sufficiently gifted win the gold medal loggers? Attention strength colossal and reflexes required steel!

RE: Timber Heroes by Unknow - Harsha - 04-04-2015 03:25 PM

[Image: 47810.png]

Timber Heroes by Inlogic Software

It's time to choose the best hero of all which is decided by the annual wood chopping competition! Prove to the others, that it's you who deserves a golden medal in wood chopping! You have to chop fast but don't forget that chopping trees is dangerous and that every branch means certain death! Hone your skills and unlock all the hero characters. Today we see, who is the best!